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Founder & CEO of Embrace Your Power 
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EYP supports and empowers you to step into your truth, and gain the courage to pursue your dreams.


It is a space to be guided, inspired, and empowered through an events & coaching platform, that provides commitment, authenticity, trust & A WHOLE LOT OF FUN.

Hattie Green is an Entrepreneur, Performer, Trained Life Coach & The CEO & Founder of Embrace your Power Global.


She believes her background and training in performing, from a young age attending Birmingham Royal Ballet as an associate, to being a student at Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts, has been the foundation of her discipline and consistency in everything she does. But while she learnt a lot through these experiences, she has also had to go through a big process of unlearning a lot too, in order to evolve and grow.


Hattie is young, vivacious and full of fun. She is a powerful creator and trusts in the choices that she makes. Hattie inspires you through her way of BEing, giving you the courage to live as the confident authentic you that already lays within.


She has a fabulous skill of asking powerful questions and offering you a perspective that will in turn unlock your potential, help you reframe old beliefs and conditionings that no longer serve you, and break away from anything and everything that has ever held you back in order lead a happier & more fulfilled life.

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Amy is the absolute legend behind all the branding and marketing for EYP! Amy is an enthusiastic graphic designer with a love for typography, branding and illustration. She is always mindful of my social responsibility to society and the planet. Amy believes that design shouldn’t just look good, it should do good and spread kindness.

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